
10.Complacent Smile

By Davison C.K. Chisale, Malawi

You embrace people from all walks of life and cool their hearts with your smile without your smile tolerance is out of question Your smile creates invisible walls between mental state and physical state.

No wonder people notice less anger You really deserve the beauty even look more beautiful when wearing That golden, un tempered and unbiased smile It answers unknown questions, solves unrisen Doubts and even soothes the itching skin Let all people know that smile increases Face value, not only for physical attraction but shows peace of mind, kindness and other Inner virtues.

It is the song of all people on how you lead a stoic life, good affiliation with beings Accompanied by an irresistible conquering smile World surroundings are not meant to bring Hatred, jealousy, greed, suffering and pain but Rather bring love, tolerance, generosity, peace And happiness.

Learn to wear a smile to assure the world of your inner virtuous deeds.

Author's comment:

Most of the people in the world are not happy with what they have. Always they worry with their sensual desires. Because they have many ideas to fulfill. They believe if any body can contented with what they have, they can live happier. People in the world are no longer happy, because they are not happy with what they have. They are full of greed, Hate, jealousy and suffering for others.